Free Spyware Removal

Recommended - NoAdware Anti-Spyware made easy, scan free now.

There is a wide variety of free spyware removal tools available. These free software packages do a good job helping you get rid of the annoying software. If you are infected you should think about running software to keep you protected, even after your machine has been completely cleaned.

There are many different types of spyware. You should endeavor to find a well rounded spyware removal software package. Some of the things your spyware will protect you from are:

  • Credit card theft
  • Identity theft
  • Password theft
  • Protect your confidential files and information.
  • Keep your computer and web browser from being hijacked.
  • Save you from obtrusive advertising.

Some of the free spyware removal software is:
A-Squared free: The free little brother to A-squared malware. This tool will remove the following:
Worms, key loggers, dialer hijackers, Trojans, spyware and adware. The free version will not provide real time protection. You have to buy the package for that.

AVG Anti-Spyware Free: This program is for the Windows operating system. It is created by Grisoft, one of the most respected companies out there.

Arovax Anti-Spyware Free: This program is user supported. You can get updates from the forum.

Spyware detector: Will scan for spyware for free. If it finds spyware and malware there will be a charge to get rid of it.

Spyware Blaster Free: This program protects against Active-X based spyware, adware, browser hijacks, dialers and other attacks. The program also blocks tracking cookies and can restrict unwanted websites.

Damage Cleanup Engine Freeware
: This package detects spyware/malware that is running in system memory. It will terminate them when it finds them. It can also clean and protect your system registry and your hard drive.

These are just a few of the free spyware removal software packages available. If you think you have spyware you can use one of these free tools. Once found, it is advised you continue to monitor your PC daily.

Recommended - NoAdware Anti-Spyware made easy, scan free now.

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