
Recommended - NoAdware Anti-Spyware made easy, scan free now.

Spyware is a dirty word for computer users today. Spyware has become the number one unscrupulous marketing ploy used in the world. This is a general class of software that is used to monitor and report the actions of a computer user, and usually falls into one of three categories:

  1. Spyware software that is installed by the user. This software is used to monitor employees, kids, spouses, etc. The software is installed by one user to monitor another.
  2. Piggy back: Software that is relatively benign in nature. Usually, installed in conjunction when a person installs some other software. This spyware is usually used to gather marketing information.
  3. Black Hat spyware: This spyware is software that is installed without the user’s knowledge and is intended to do damage. It is used to hijack a computer or do damage to the hard drive. It is also used to steal the personal and financial information of users.

We have all seen Spyware and most of the time did not even know it. It might have been a pop up ad, or an email we received. Some web pages even use Java Script to create spyware on the fly. Most people think spyware is harmless. In most cases, it is. However, it can be very damaging to your computer and your life.

For this reason, everyone should take steps to protect themselves from Spyware.

Recommended - NoAdware Anti-Spyware made easy, scan free now.

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